Standing orders for the latest import comics.
In addition to providing access to a massive quantity of back issues, Krypton Komics also provides an excellent and reliable method for ordering new comics as they are published. We call this our standing order system. We offer this service either directly over the counter in the Krypton Komics shop, or via a regular monthly mail-out for those unable to reach the shop.
To set up a standing order for collection in the real world shop, just come down to see us and we’ll sort out your order there and then. There is no minimum order. All we require is a £10 deposit, which is fully refundable when you cancel the order.
To set up a standing order to be sent out via mail as part of our regular monthly shipping, give us a call at the shop (0208 527 7558) and we’ll sort it out for you. Comics are despatched on a monthly basis. Credit cards are debited at the time of despatch and at no other time.
All we need to know is which comics you wish to order and the issue number you wish your Standing order to begin from. You may order any Title by any publisher. You can request single issues and specials. You can alter your standing order to either add or delete titles at any time. Either write, phone, or e-mail us with your requirements and we will make the necessary alteration to your order.
When you place your standing order you will be given a Standing Order number. Please quote that number in all correspondence.
And that’s it. Not very high tech, but it works. So what are you waiting for?.